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In the 4-H club program, youth learn along side other youth that share the same interest. All club members participate in County events such as public presentations and the Warren County Farmers’ Fair. They prepare for these events in their club. 13th grade is one year out of high school. After you have contacted the 4-H leader of the club you are interested in, visit Zsuite to register your child in 4-H! The following clubs are available to youth in Warren County:
Asbury Junior Dairy 4-H Club
The club works with dairy cattle, llama, beef, swine, alpaca, sheep, goat, and vet science. the club has monthly meetings, holds presenations and programs, has multiple community service projects a year and has a lot of fun with a dairy quiz bowl!
The club is open to new members at this time. For more information, contact Tracy Smith at 908-887-2630 or send an email to Tracy Smith.
Leaders: Tracy Smith, Michael Sodtalbers, Erich Sodtalbers, Jr., Anna Sodtalbers, Shirley Sigler
# of members: 10
Ages of Members: from 5-13 grade
Club meets: Oxford, NJ
Bow Benders of Warren County – Archery
The Bow Benders is a 4-H Shooting Sports club that focuses on the archery discipline. We teach all levels of archers the safe and proper maintenance and use of compound and recurve bows. We shoot year round on a full sized outdoor target range and an indoor range over the winter. Our club is recreationally focused and offers an individual achievement award program that drives a goal oriented approach to archery development in accordance with our club motto, “strive for progress, not perfection.” We also participate in state level 4-H archery events.
Club meets: Business meetings are the last Friday of the month in Belvidere. The range is open at least 3 weekends a month on Sunday afternoons.
Leaders: Michael Kilhullen (State Archery Instructor)
# of members: 35
Ages of Members: Range from grades 4 -13
Club webpage: Bow Benders 4-H Club. The club is open to new members at this time. For more information, please fill out the form on the club web page.
Bridlewood 4-H Club – Horse
Our club focuses on equine science, knowledge, and skills relating to the care and competition of our 4-Legged Partners!
Club meets: Various Locations within Warren County!
Leaders: Gracie Klimas and Victoria Maris
# of members: 8
Ages of Members: from grades K -13
The club is currently accepting new members at this time. For more information, contact Gracie Klimas at 908-878-7957, or Victoria at 908-892-3911, !
Bug A Boos – Entomology
This club explores the world of pollinators, focusing on the two leading pollinators: bees and butterflies. Youth need not have a hive to participate in this club. Activities include: harvesting honey, rendering beeswax, and care/maintenance of club hives. In addition, club members will help run the butterfly pavilion at the Warren County Farmers’ Fair in the 4-H building.
Leaders: Alayne Torretta and Pam Brower
# of members: 20
Ages of Members: from grades K-8
Club meets: Belvidere and Harmony
The club is open to new members at this time. For more information, contact Alayne Torretta.
Equine Science Team – Horses
A horse project team geared towards learning about horse keeping, horsemanship, equine health, wellness, anatomy and physiology. Activities include 3 annual State competitions (Horse Bowl, Horse Judging, Hippology), field trips, hands on learning about tack/equipment, all with no need to own a horse or even ride horses!
Coaches: Tracy Smith and Brittany Smith
# of members: 20
Ages of Members: from grades 4-13
Club meets: Weekly practices via Zoom
The team is open to new members at this time. For more information, email Tracy Smith or call 908-887-2630.
Feathers ‘N Fur – Small Animal & Poultry
The club’s focus is small animal such as rabbits and cavys as well as poultry and veterinary science.
Ages of Members: from grades 4-13
Leaders: Danya Bloch
# of members: 12
The club is accepting new members at this time. Contact Danya Bloch.
Heart of Warren Community Service Club
The club is open to new members at this time. For more information, email Megan Smith.
Leader: Megan Smith
# of members: 20
Ages of Members: from K-13 grade
Club meets: Harmony, NJ
Little Hands, Big Hearts 4-H Club
Little Hands, Big Hearts is an arts & crafts club, with a strong emphasis on community service. Our vision is not only to create works of art, but to also host fundraisers, offer community support and acts of kindness. Fundraising and community support may include things like hot cocoa/lemonade stands, selling our crafts in the local area, or offering assistance to other 4-H clubs!
Leaders: Pam and Shane Brower
# of members: New club! Recruiting up to 12 members at this time.
Ages of Members: from K-13 grade
Club meets: 3rd Saturday of the month, locations TBD in Belvidere and Blairstown areas.
The club is open to new members at this time! For more information, contact Pam at 908-797-8308 or email
One Barn – Cloverbud (K-3rd grade)
Looking to start a younger generation of 4-Hers! This club will introduce youth to hands on experiences with different farm animals, trips, community service, leadership, and learning about all 4-H has to offer before choosing the best club(s) that fit their likes in future 4-H years.
Leader: Jamie Ott
# of members: 10
Club meets: twice a month
The club is not open to new members at this time.
Out of Our Shells
This club focuses on STEM and Conservation.
Leaders: Marilyn Shanley and Tara Prezioso
# of members: 4
Ages of members: 4th-12th grade
Club meets: TBA
The club is open to new members at this time. For more information email Marily Shanley.
Outlaws Horse and Model Horse
Outlaws Horse and Model Horse club focuses on horses, mini horses, and model horses.
Leaders: Tracy Smith, Michael Sodtalbers, Jenny Allen
# of members: 10
Ages of Members: from grades 4-13
Club meets: one Sunday a month at the leader’s house
The club is open to new members at this time. For more information, email Tracy Smith or call 908-887-2630.
Plants Vs. Zombies – Gardening
Accepting members grades K-12, this club focuses on learning how to grow food organically and donates 100% of what is grown to 5 rotating, local food pantries in Blairstown, NJ.
The club meets at our food pantry garden at the Untied Methodist Church, in Blairstown. Meetings are typically held twice per month, March-November. Members are also expected to go independently to the garden with their family once per month to tend to, harvest, and deliver once per month during the growing season. Plants vs Zombies also participates in the Warren County Fair.
Leaders: Lynn Waclawski, Lisa McCann and Julia Ochs
Club meets: Blairstown, NJ
Ages of Members: from grades K-12
The club is not accepting new members at this time. For more information, or to be put on a waiting list, contact Lynn Waclawski at
Puppy Power – Seeing Eye Puppy Raising
This club raises puppies for the Seeing Eye. Activities focus on socializing young puppies before they go for their Seeing Eye training.
Leaders: Todd Fenwick & Cheryl Weisel
Club meets: TBD
# of members: 5 youth & 7 adult puppy raisers
This club is open to new members. For more information on raising Seeing Eye puppies and for joining this club, contact Todd Fenwick or Cheryl Weisel.
Recycling Rebels
Club focuses on creating something new out of recycled materials.
Leader: Lauren Maza
# of members: 10
Ages of Members: from grades K-13
Club meets: one Thursday a month, Warren County Library, Northeast Branch, Hackettstown.
The club is open to new members at this time. For more information, contact Lauren Maza.
Stablemates – Horse
Club focuses on equine science and mini horses.
Leaders: Wanda Kinney, Evelyn (Sis) Lay, and Ruby Klimas
# of members: 26
Ages of Members: from grades K-13
Club meets: Great Meadows
The club is open to new members at this time. For more information, contact Wanda Kinney at 908-797-1239.
Stitch ‘N Time – Sewing
Club focuses on sewing, cooking, nutrition, and other crafts.
Leaders: Tracy Smith and Anna Sodtalbers
# of members: 2
Ages of Members: from grades 4-13
The club is not accepting new members at this time. For more information, contact Tracy Smith at (908) 887-2630 or send an email to
Teen Council – Teen Leadership
The club is a youth adult partnership where youth work alongside adults, learning leadership, service learning, communication and organizational skills. Annual events for the council include: Selling milk shakes at the Warren County Farmers’ Fair, Breakfast with the Bunnies, Winter Camp weekend at 4-H Camp, and North Jersey Teen Conference Weekend, plus a variety of community service projects. Proceeds from fundraisers fund college scholarships, leadership programs such as North Jersey Teen Conference, and the Teen Russian/American International Leadership program (TRAIL).
Leaders: Alayne Torretta and Michelle Teitsma
# of members: 12
Ages of Members: Range from grades 8-13
Club meets: third Thurs. of the month at the 4-H Office at 6:30 p.m.
The club is open to new members at this time. For more information, contact Alayne Torretta or Michelle Teitsma.
Warren County Hare Raisers – Rabbit
The Warren County Hare Raisers has monthly meetings, holds presenations and programs, has multiple community service projects a year and has a lot of fun!
Leaders: Tracy Smith, Anna Sodtalbers, Erich Sodtalbers, Jr., Michael Sodtalbers
# of members: 11
Ages of Members: from grades K-13
Club meets: Oxford
The club is open to new members at this time. For more information, contact Tracy Smith at (908) 887-2630 or send an email to Tracy Smith.
Warren County Sharpshooters – Shooting Sports
The Warren County Sharpshooters provides youth the opportunity to learn marksmanship, the safe and responsible use of firearms, and much more. The activities of the program and the support of caring adult leaders provide youth with opportunities to develop life skills, self-worth, and conservation ethics.
Leaders: Vince Zarcaro and Jim Bucher
# of members: 25
Ages of Members: from grades 4-13
Club meets: 3rd Tuesday of the month, 6-8pm at the Phillipsburg Pistol Club, 25 Howard Street, Phillipsburg, NJ. *Parents MUST be present 100% of the time and must sign off on a PPC liability waiver.
Yearly Dues: 1 member $25; 2 or more members from the same family $50. No range fees will be charged.
Recommended equipment: Eye and ear protection.
The club is open to new members at this time. For more information, contact Vince Zarcaro.
NJ 4-H Policies – Policy of Inclusion
4-H Youth Development Programs are offered to all youth, grades K-13, on a grade appropriate basis, without regard to race, religion, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, or disability. All possible efforts will be made to include rather than exclude youth in events conducted by the 4-H Youth Development Program.