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Entry forms for the Warren County Farmers’ Fair are available on the Fair page.
Here is a brief list of the most commonly used forms used for participating in 4-H.
- 4-H Event Permission Form for Youth – used for any county or state 4-H events outside of a regular club meeting place.
- New Jersey 4-H Event Release/Agreement Form for Adults – to be used by any adult (volunteer and non-volunteer) who participates in a county or state event outside of a regular club meeting activity
- Warren County Award Application form (PDF) – to be submitted with project record books by mid September (Usually September 15).
- Welcome to 4-H! A Guide for New 4-H Club Members and Their Parents – to be used with new members.
- In 4-H, it is not necessary to own an animal to participate in a livestock project area. Youth may “borrow” an animal from another 4-Her, a neighbor, a leader, etc. The lease/borrow form (PDF) is to be filled out by all 4-H’ers whose project animal(s) fall under the Leased/Loaned category of ownership. A Leased/Loaned animal is an animal whose Legal Owner is anyone other than the 4-H Member.
- Horse Registration form – Due yearly to the County Office by April 1.
- Horse Health Information form – Due yearly to the County Office by May 15.
- Horse Lease/Borrow Agreement – Due yearly to the County Office by April 1.