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In 4-H, youth record what they have worked on during the year in a project record book. All youth are eligible to receive a recogntion pin (like the few pictured here) in a project if they:
- complete a record book in that project
- participate in the Warren County Farmers’ Fair
- do county or state judged public presenation
- attend 70% of their club meetings
- participate in a 4-H sponsored community service project
- submit all record books for review on time and use the Warren County 4-H County Recognition Application (PDF)
NOTE: Please know that adding your own pages to the books results in penalties with reviewers, so refrain from this practice.
Record books are available at the Warren County 4-H office or for download on on this page.
State Record Book Offerings
To download a NJ 4-H Record book, click on the link below.
County Level Record Books
To download a Warren County Record book, click on the PDF file below.